Achievements System

All of the in-game achievements are bound to the user's account. Although it will not be available on the Blockchain, the Badge that a user earns by completing an Achievement is an NFT that can be traded.

The badges will be initially classified into three hierarchical levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold (and more in the future!)

  • Shoes Collector Badge (Owning a certain amount of Shoes)

  • Accessories Collector Badge (Owning a certain amount of Accessories)

  • Social Credit Badge (Gained when player reached certain Credit point on the Marketplace)

  • Fortune Badge (Earn a certain amount of RUN every week)

  • Wealthy Badge (Earn a certain amount of RUN every month)

  • Health Badge (Reaching the weekly mileage target)

  • Athlete Badge (Reaching the monthly mileage target)

  • Solo Badge (Reach your monthly mileage target in Solo mode)

  • Together Badge (Reach your monthly mileage target in Together mode)

  • Hyper Badge (Participate in sufficient times and achieve a high ranking in the Tournaments)

  • Invincible Badge (Participate in and achieve a high ranking in the monthly Challenges)

Last updated