Achievements System
All of the in-game achievements are bound to the user's account. Although it will not be available on the Blockchain, the Badge that a user earns by completing an Achievement is an NFT that can be traded.
The badges will be initially classified into three hierarchical levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold (and more in the future!)
Shoes Collector Badge (Owning a certain amount of Shoes)
Accessories Collector Badge (Owning a certain amount of Accessories)
Social Credit Badge (Gained when player reached certain Credit point on the Marketplace)
Fortune Badge (Earn a certain amount of RUN every week)
Wealthy Badge (Earn a certain amount of RUN every month)
Health Badge (Reaching the weekly mileage target)
Athlete Badge (Reaching the monthly mileage target)
Solo Badge (Reach your monthly mileage target in Solo mode)
Together Badge (Reach your monthly mileage target in Together mode)
Hyper Badge (Participate in sufficient times and achieve a high ranking in the Tournaments)
Invincible Badge (Participate in and achieve a high ranking in the monthly Challenges)
Last updated